At Sandy Alexander, we’re transforming what was once considered a strictly traditional marketing tactic into a brand-elevating, prospect-engaging, response-driving experience.
Print & Mailing
From small quantity-high frequency programs to mass quantity-highly segmented campaigns, our capacity for helping you design, produce and deliver compelling communications is virtually limitless. Our state-of-the-art digital, offset and web presses can also create complex, custom-folded and sample-enhanced pieces.

Data Security
& Services
We pride ourselves on providing secure environments for managing your data – from transfer and receipt to processing and storage. We’re already SOCII compliant and HIPAA certified.
Automation & Integration
Speed and accuracy are the name of the game when executing time-sensitive communications. Our direct mail solutions are technology-driven to streamline the process of transferring data, programming personalized direct mail, and delivering the right message at the right time.
Logistics & Reporting
How do we deliver your direct mail on time and on budget? By knowing the USPS inside and out. Our facilities work with premier commingling and logistics partners to prepare your mail with precision. Then full-service certifications and IMB track-and-trace reporting allow us to provide real-time dashboard reporting with visibility into nationwide delivery and by-the-piece tracking.
Direct Mail Formats
Sandy Alexander has mastered production of a multitude of mailable formats – including a variety of proprietary, patented and patent-pending designs. Our inline capabilities enable run lengths of 100,000 to 10 million pieces, ready to mail. Some of our most popular direct mail formats are shown below, but we’re also happy to design custom formats for you.

Creating a New Level of Consumer Connections
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USPS Promotions 2025